sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

Spring Security

 - Spring Security  

 - Spring Security  
      Provide declarative security for Spring-based applications using filters.  
      Handle authentication and authorization from two angles  
           - web request level and restrict access at the URL  
           - method invocatino level using Spring AOP(proxying objects and applying advice that ensures that the user has authority to invoke a method)  
      - Install using Maven. Very easy  
      - Configuration  
           Basic configuration of spring-security.xml  
           <beans:beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security"  
      - Securing web request  
           DelegatingFilterProxy(Servlet Context) --Delegates to --> Spring-Injected filter(Spring Application Context).  
           - Performed using filters  
                Spring security looks for a bean called springSecurityFilterChain  
                in web.xml  
                     <filter-name>springSecurityFilterChain</filter-name>  <--- this class delegates to a filter resgistered as a bean  
           - Configure app-spring.xml  
                - http://localhost:8080/Spitter/spring_security_login.  
                     Configure to Spring security intercept all URL (/**) and restrict access only to ROLE_TEST  
                     <http auto-config="true" >   
                          <form-login/>          |  
                          <http-basic/>          | <--- Uses a default login page.  
                          <logout/>               |  
                          <intercept-url pattern="/**"access="ROLE_TEST"/>  <---- interceptor to url  
                     HTML - generated by Spring security  
                     <body onload='document.f.j_username.focus();'>  
                     <form name='f'method='POST' action='/Spitter/j_spring_security_check'>  
                          <input type='text'name='j_username'value=''>  
                          <input type='password'name='j_password'/>  
           - To define a specific page  
                <%@ taglibprefix="s"uri="http://www.springframework.org/tags"%>  
                     <spring:urlvar="authUrl" value="/static/j_spring_security_check"/> <-- Authentication filter path  
                     <form method="post"class="signin"action="${authUrl}">  
                          <inputid="username_or_email" name="j_username" type="text" />  
                          <inputid="password" name="j_password" type="password" />  
                          <small><a href="/account/resend_password">Forgot?</a></small>  
                          <inputid="remember_me" name="_spring_security_remember_me" type="checkbox"/>  
                Most important are j_username and j_password.  
           - logout  
                <logout logout-url="/static/j_spring_security_logout"/>  
           - Intercepting requests  
                First line of defense in the request-level security.  
                <intercept-urlpattern="/**"access="ROLE_USER"/> <--- All request is allowed to ROLE_USER  
                <intercept-urlpattern="/admin/**"access="ROLE_ADMIN"/> /admin/** allowed to ROLE_ADMIN  
                Rule are top to bottom. Than order of declarations is important  
           - Securing using Spring Expression (SpEL)  
                To enable:  
                <http auto-config="true"use-expressions="true">  
                <intercept-urlpattern="/admin/**"access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')"/> <--- hasRole if user has granted the ROLE_ADMIN  
                Security Expressions  
                     authentication, denyAll, hasAnyRole(LIST), hasRole, hasIpAddress(IP Address), isAnonimous(), isAuthenticated() ,  
                     isFullyAuthenticated(), isRememberMe(), permitAll, principal  
                     <intercept-urlpattern="/admin/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN') and hasIpAddress('')"/>  
           - Forcing request to HTTPS  
                - Sure. Sensitive information should be passed encrypted over HTTPS  
                <intercept-urlpattern="/project/form"requires-channel="https"/> <--- Redirect automatically to a https channel  
           - Example  
                <http auto-config="true" use-expressions="true">  
                     <intercept-url pattern="/login" access="permitAll" />  
                     <intercept-url pattern="/logout" access="permitAll" />  
                     <intercept-url pattern="/accessdenied" access="permitAll" />  
                     <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')" />  
                     <form-login login-page="/login" default-target-url="/list" authentication-failure-url="/accessdenied" />  
                     <logout logout-success-url="/logout" />  
           - Securing view-level elements  
                Securing in view layer.  
                <%@ taglibprefix="security" uri="http://www.springframework.org/security/tags"%>  
                     - <security:accesscontrollist> : allow the body of this tag to be rendered if the current authenticated user has permition  
                     - <security:authorize> : Allows the body of this tag to be rendered if a meet a specific security constraint  
                               Render something  
                          <security:authorize access="isAuthenticated() and principal.username=='habuma'">  
                               <a href="/admin">Administration</a>  
                          Other parameters  
                               - access  
                               - url: The the url is allowad to some user  
                               - ifAllGranted  
                               - ifAnyGranted  
                               - ifNotGranted  
                     - <security:authentication> : Accesses properties of the current user's authentication object  
                          Hello <security:authentication property="principal.username"/>   
                          <security:authentication property="principal.username" var="loginId"/>  
                               Access the prop of principal(object).  
                          Can use: authorities(collection of GrandAuthorities), credentials(ex:password), details(additional info like IP, session ID), principal(principal's user)  
      - Authenticating Users  
           Spring supports authenticating using, but you can implements your own  
                - In-memory, JDBC-based, LDAP-based user repositories, OpenID decentralized user identity systems, X509 certificates, JASS-based providers  
           - In-memory user repository  
                configure in spring-security.xml. Hard coded  
                          <user name="habuma"password="letmein" authorities="ROLE_SPITTER,ROLE_ADMIN"/>  
                          <user name="twoqubed"password="longhorns" authorities="ROLE_SPITTER"/>  
                          <user name="admin"password="admin" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN"/>  
                     <security:authentication-manager>                                <-- Registers the authentication manager(instance of ProviderManager)  
                          <authentication-provider user-service-ref="userService"/>  
           - Using DataBase(JDBC)  
                wires jdbc-user-service into <authentication-provider>'s user-service-ref, like above  
                <jdbc-user-service id="userService" data-source-ref="dataSource"/>  
                This objects uses this to get information: select username,password,enabled from users where username=?  
                to look up authorities: select username,authority from authorities where username=?  
                Whole example changing the database:  
                <jdbc-user-service id="userService"   
                     data-source-ref="dataSource"   <---- Reference to the dataSource  
                     users-by-username-query="select username,password,true from testTable where username=?" <-- to select user  
                     authorities-by-username-query="select username, authority from testTable where username=?"/> <-- Get Authorities  
                     If we dont have authorities your can replace "authority" by 'ROLE_TEST'  
      - Securing Method-level  
           Is packed in <global-method-security>  
           ex: <global-method-security secured-annotations="enabled"/>  
           Four Ways:  
                - method annotated @Secured  
                     @Secured("ROLE_USER", "ROLE_ADMIN")  
                     public void addSpittle(Spittle spittle){  
                     // ...  
                - Method annotated with JSR-250 - @RollesAllowed  
                     Used identically as @Secured. Difference is that @RollesAllowed is standard java  
                     - <global-method-securityjsr250-annotations="enabled"/>  
                - Method annotated with Spring's pre and post invocation  
                     - Uses SpEL. More powerful than previous.  
                     - <global-method-securitypre-post-annotations="enabled"/>  
                     - Annotations  
                          @PreAuthorize Restricts access to a method before invocation based on the result of evaluating an expression  
                               @PreAuthorize("(hasRole('ROLE_USER')and#spittle.text.length()<=140) or hasRole('ROLE_PREMIUM')")  
                               public void add Spittle(Spittle spittle){  
                                    // ...  
                          @PostAuthorize Allows a method to be invoked, but throws a security exception if the expression evaluates to false  
                               public Spittle getSpittleById(longid){  
                                    // ...  
                          @PreFilter Allows a method to be invoked, but filters input prior to entering the method  
                               public List<Spittle>getABunchOfSpittles(){  
                          @PostFilter Allows a method to be invoked, but filters the results of that method per an expression  
                - Method matching some explicity declared pointcuts  

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