quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2013

Grails Version 2

Grails Version 2

    - Convention over Configuration
    grails-app - top level directory for Groovy sources
    conf - Configuration sources.
    controllers - Web controllers - The C in MVC.
    domain - The application domain.
    i18n - Support for internationalization (i18n).
    services - The service layer.
    taglib - Tag libraries.
    utils - Grails specific utilities.
    views - Groovy Server Pages - The V in MVC.
    scripts - Gant scripts.
    src - Supporting sources
    groovy - Other Groovy sources
    java - Other Java sources
    test - Unit and integration tests.
- Configuration
    - grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy : Used when your are running grails commands
        grailsVersion    The version of Grails used to build the project.
        grailsSettings    An object containing various build related settings, such as baseDir. It's of type BuildSettings.
    - grails-app/conf/Config.groovy : Used when that application is running. It is packaged with the app.
        grailsApplication    The GrailsApplication instance
    - Both
        userHome    Location of the home directory for the account that is running the Grails application.
        grailsHome    Location of the home directory for the account that is running the Grails application.
        appName    The application name as it appears in application.properties.
        appVersion    The application version as it appears in application.properties.
        For example:
            my.tmp.dir = "${userHome}/.grails/tmp"  
            class MyService {
                def grailsApplication
                def method() {
                def recipient = grailsApplication.config.foo.bar.hello //Can be used directly in Controller or by Injection in Service.
    - Gorm
        - grails.gorm.failOnError.  If true throws a grails.validation.ValidationException
          grails.gorm.failOnError = ['com.companyname.somepackage']
        - grails.gorm.autoFlush, to auto flush in mege, save, delete.  No need to use save(flush: true
    - Enviroment
        - Used in Config.groovy, DataSource.groovy and Bootstrap.groovy.
    - DataSource
        - grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
            dependencies {
                runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16'
          }    }
        - dbCreate: create, create-drop, update, validate.
        - Multiple Datasources: ex: dataSource_lookup, dataSouce_lookup2.
        - Configuring Domain Classes
            mapping = {
                datasources(['lookup', 'auditing'])   or datasources(['lookup', 'DEFAULT'])   datasource 'ALL'
    - Configurations and Dependencies
        - build(Dependencies for the build system only), compile, runtime, test,
          provided( Dependencies needed at development time, but not during WAR deployment)
    - Repositories
        - In BuildConfig.groovy.
        repositories {
    - Depoy to a maven repository
        - grails maven-install(install project or plugin local Maven cache) or maven-deploy(deploy project in a remote Maven repository)
    - Grails commands
        - Maven integration
            grails create-pom com.mycompany
        - General Commands
            grails:create-controller - Calls the create-controller command
            grails:create-domain-class - Calls the create-domain-class command
            grails:create-integration-test - Calls the create-integration-test command
            grails:create-pom - Creates a new Maven POM for an existing Grails project
            grails:create-script - Calls the create-script command
            grails:create-service - Calls the create-service command
            grails:create-taglib - Calls the create-tag-lib command
            grails:create-unit-test - Calls the create-unit-test command
            grails:exec - Executes an arbitrary Grails command line script
            grails:generate-all - Calls the generate-all command
            grails:generate-controller - Calls the generate-controller command
            grails:generate-views - Calls the generate-views command
            grails:install-templates - Calls the install-templates command
            grails:list-plugins - Calls the list-plugins command
            grails:package - Calls the package command
            grails:run-app - Calls the run-app command
            For a complete, up to date list, run mvn grails:help

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