quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2013


NoSql ->less funcionality more performance
                Good video by Matin Fowler
                               High Availability
                               Data structured and not.
                Types of NoSql DataBases - Different Data Models
                               Key Value Store (Redis, riak)
                                               - Most simple - Simple hashmap persisted in a disk
                                               - Has a metadata
                               Document Oriented (MongoDB, Couch DB, ravenDB )
                                               - Hole mass of document structure.
                                               - Represented in form of json(can be in xml)
                                               - No schema, different from Relational
                                                               There is an implicity schema that client should know.
                                               - Always have a ID that is equivalent to a Key in the "Key value store"
                               Tabular- Column-family (BigTable(google), HBase)
                                               - combination between a row key multi-colum family for each row.
                               Graph -
                                               Basecaly a graph chart database.  Easy to move between nodes. 
                                               No actualy relationship, but structure.
                                               Arrow can be named.
                               Graph (Neo4j)
                               No Join(to enrance scalability)
                               No Complex Transactions(change many records and commit)
                               No Constaints (implemented in app level)
                What is in
                               Query Languare(not SQL)
                               Fast Performance
                               Horizonal Scalability
                When to User
                               Store and retrieve great quantity of data
                               Storing relationships between the elements is not important
                               Dealing with growing list of elements(twitter post, blogs)
                               The data is not structured or the  structure is changing with time
                               Prototypes or fast applications need to be developed
                               Constraints and validations logic is not required in database
                               - Why is MySql faster than MongoDB at join operations
                                               Because mongoDB does not have any SIDE JOIN. Any join is done but client. Then it is slower than any SQL DB.
                               - Why MongoDB scales better in distributed systems
                                               Has better repplication and share better cluster


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