domingo, 27 de outubro de 2013

MongoDB + Java Course - In progress

MongoDB Course. Home work

GitHub on

- MongoDB Course
Lenght of course: - 7 weeks
Using Maven
to run the project: mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=course.BlogController
to test: mvn test
Using Gradle
   to rum the project: gradle run
   to test: gradle test

To create a project with gradle
- copy the directory Gradle to root

1:              - gradle  

2:                  wrapper
3:                      gradle-wrapper.jar
5:                  ide.gradle
6:          - copy the btch file to root
7:              gradlew (for X)
8:              gradle.bat ( for windows)
9:          - copy settings.gradle to root
10:              Only this inside: = "NAME PROJECT"

- Week 1
- Suports
Based on Json Documents(key, values). It is a document database
In same document Dynamic Schema.  Different collections of data.
- Scalability and performance VS Funcionality
Doesn't support joins and transactions. Documents are hierarchical
- Running
create a directory %MONGO_HOME%\data\db

1:  %MONGO_HOME%/bin/mongo.config  
2:                  ##store data here  
3:                  dbpath=%MONGO_HOME%\data\db  
4:                  ##all output go here  
5:                  logpath=%MONGO_HOME%\log\mongo.log  
6:                  ##log read and write operations  
7:                  diaglog=3  

- Server:
mongod --dbpath data\db
mongod --config %MONGO_HOME%\bin\mongo.config
As a server
mongod --config %MONGO_HOME%\bin\mongo.config --install
net start MongoDB
net stop MongoDB
mongod --remove (remove the service)
- Command line: mongo


1:                      mongo test(connects to mongodb already in test collection)  

2:                      use test (switches to test collection)
3:                      show collections
4:                        (collection) (command)
5:                      db.objects.   save({a:1, b:2, c:3})
6:                      db.objects.   save({a:4, b:5, c:6, d:7, e:['a','b']})
7:                      db.objects.find() <- return all documents
8:                      db.objects.find({a:1}) <- Return all documents that have this element
9:            {'name','maths'})
10:                      db.course.hello.find()

- Json
Types of Data
- Array -> list of items -> [...]
- Dictionaries ->associative maps  {key:value} -> {name:"value",city:"value", interests:[ ___, ___, ___]
- Embeded data into documents
If the embeded data exceed 16Mb, because each document should have the maximum of 16Mb
Home Work:
1 - 42
2- 2,3,5
4- 2805
- Week 2
Create=Insert.  Read=Find.  Update=Update.  Delete=Remove
Does not have a language such as SQL.

1:  - db.people.insert( doc )  
2:              - db.people.find()  
3:              - db.people.findOne({"name": "Anderson"}, {"name":true,"_id":false})  

- all object has a primary key called (_id)
- BSON - Binary JSON Object
- Query
- $gt, $lt,

1:  db.people.findOne({name:{$gt:    "B", $lt:"D"}})  
2:                  db.people.findOne({name:{$gt:    "B"}, {name:{$lt:"D"}} }) --Will return all docs less than D. Ignore the first statement.  

- exists
- To verify if a field exists
- db.people.findOne({name:{ $exists : true}})  -- return all documents that has the field name.
- regex
- db.people.find({name: { $regex : "^A"}}) -> returns everything that starts with A.
ex:db.users.find( {name: {$regex:"q"}, email: {$exists:true} } )
- or //ends with e
- db.people.find( { $or : [ {name: { $regex : "e$" } } , {age : {$exists: true}]})
- db.scores.find( {$or : [ {score : {$lt: 50}}, {score : {$gt: 90}} ]})
- and
- all - return the documents that have all the specified elements in a array
db.accounts.find( { favorites : { $all, [ "a", "b", "c" ] } } )
- in - return all documents that has on of the objects IN a array
db.accounts.find( { name : { $in, [ "Anderson", "Cida"] } } ) -- returns the docs that have Anderson and Cida
- Queries
db.users.find( {email : {work: "" } } )
db.users.find( { "" } )
- Cursor

1:                  db.people.insert( {name: "Anderson", email : {work:"111", home:"222"}});  

2:                  db.people.insert( {name: "Cida", email : {work:"111", home:"222"}});
3:                  - cur = db.people.find(); null; //NULL avoid the return.
4:                  - cur.limit(5); null; get only 5 elements.
5:                  - cur.sort( {name: -1 }); null;
6:                  - cur.sort( {name: -1 }).limit(5); null;
7:                  - while(cur.hasNext()) printjson(;
8:                  - db.scores.find( { type : "exam" } ).sort( { score : -1 } ).skip(50).limit(20)

- count
- db.scores.count( {"type":"essay", score: {$gt: 90 } } )
- Update
- db.people.update( { name: "Anderson"} , {name:"Anderson Lopes", address:"114 Hargrave"})
- Creates, remove and replace all the attributes.
- $set
db.people.update( { name: "Anderson"} , {$set: {age:30}} )
- set only the values we want to change.
db.people.update( { name: "Anderson"} , {$inc: {age:3} } )
- increment 3 in age.
- ex:

1:                          db.arrays.insert( {_id:0, a:[1,2,3,4]});  

2:                          db.arrays.update( {_id:0, {$set : {"a.2" : 5 }});
3:                              change the third element from 3 to 5.
4:                          db.arrays.update( {_id:0, {$push : {a : 6 }});
5:                              add at the end of array
6:                          db.arrays.update( {_id:0, {$pop : {a : 1 }}); //remove the last element
7:                          db.arrays.update( {_id:0, {$pop : {a : -1 }}); //remove the first element
8:                          db.arrays.update( {_id:0, {$pushAll : {a : [6, 7, 8, 9 }});
9:                          db.arrays.update( {_id:0, {$pull : {a : 3} }); //remove the element that the value is 3
10:                          db.arrays.update( {_id:0, {$pullAll : {a : [6, 7, 8, 9 }}); // remove all elements with the values in the second array

- $unset (remove a field from a collection)
db.people.update( { name: "Anderson"} , {$unset: {age:1} } )
- Multi-update
Update multiple documents
db.people.update( {} , {$set :{"title": "Dr" } }, {multi: true} );
db.scores.update ( { score: {$lt:70} }, {$inc: {score:20}}, {multi:true});
- Remove a database

1:                  use DATABASE  

2:                  db.dropDatabase()

- remove

1:                  db.people.remove() //remove everything from the collection.  

2:                  db.people.drop() //faster than remove
3:                  db.people.remove( {name:"Alice"})
4:                  db.people.remove( {name: {$gt: "M" }} )
5:                  db.scores.remove( {score: { $lt: 60 }})
6:              - db.runCommand( {getLastError:1})

return the last result of a command.  It can be a error, a result of a update and so on.
With Java

1:                  INSERT DBOBject(interface) . BasicDBObject with is a LinkedHashMap<String, Object>  

2:                   BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject();
3:                      doc.put("userName", "anderson");
4:                      doc.put("birthDate", new Date(2344242));
5:                      doc.put("programmer", true);
6:                      doc.put("age", 8);
7:                      doc.put("languages", Arrays.asList("Java", "C++"));
8:                      doc.put("address", new BasicDBObject("street", "114 Hargrave")
9:                                  .append("town", "Paddington")
10:                                  .append("zipCode", 2021));
11:                      { "_id" : "user1",
12:                        "interests" : [ "basketball", "drumming"]    }
13:                      new BasicDBObject("_id", "user1").append("interests", Arrays.asList("basketball", "drumming"));


1:                  DB courseDB = client.getDB("course");  

2:                      DBCollection collection = courseDB.getCollection("findCriteriaTest");
3:                      collection.drop();
4:                      for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
5:                          collection.insert(new BasicDBObject( "x", new Random().nextInt(2)).
6:                                                            append("y", new Random().nextInt(100)));
7:                      }
8:                      System.out.println("\n Find All");
9:                      DBCursor cursor1 = collection.find();
10:                      try {
11:                          while(cursor1.hasNext()) {
12:                              DBObject all =;
13:                              System.out.println(all);
14:                        }
15:                      } finally {
16:                          cursor1.close();
17:                      }
18:                      DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("x", 0)
19:                                                                          //AND in Y
20:                                      .append("y", new BasicDBObject("$gt", 10).append("$lt", 90));
21:      //OR
22:                      QueryBuilder builder = QueryBuilder.start("x").is(0)
23:                              .and("y").greaterThan(10).lessThan(90);
24:                      System.out.println("\n Count");
25:                      long count = collection.count(query); // builder.get()
26:                      System.out.println(count);
27:                      System.out.println("Find One");
28:                      DBObject one = collection.findOne(query); //builder.get()
29:                      System.out.println(one);
30:                      System.out.println("\n Find All");
31:                      DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query); //builder.get()
32:                      try {
33:                          while(cursor.hasNext()) {
34:                              DBObject all =;
35:                              System.out.println(all);
36:                          }
37:                      } finally {
38:                          cursor.close();
39:                      }
40:                      for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
41:                          collection.insert(new BasicDBObject( "_id", i).
42:                append("start",
43:                    new BasicDBObject("x", new Random().nextInt(90) + 10)
44:                          .append("z", new Random().nextInt(90) + 10)
45:                ).append("end",
46:                  new BasicDBObject("x", new Random().nextInt(90) + 10)
47:                      .append("z", new Random().nextInt(90) + 10)
48:                  )
49:                          );
50:                      }
51:                      //QueryBuilder builder = QueryBuilder.start("start.x").greaterThan(50);
52:                      //DBCursor cursor = collection.find(builder.get(),
53:                      //    new BasicDBObject("start.x", true).append("_id", false).append("end.z", true));
54:                      DBCursor cursor = collection.find()
55:                                  .sort(new BasicDBObject("_id", -1)).skip(5).limit(3);
56:                      DBCursor cursor = collection.find()
57:                                  .sort(new BasicDBObject("start.x", -1).append("end.z",1)).skip(5).limit(3);


1:                                                  //query  
2:                      collection.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", "alice"),  
3:                              new BasicDBObject("age", 35));//update  
4:                      collection.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", "alice"),  
5:                              new BasicDBObject("gender", "Female"));//update  
6:                      //will remove the gender - Female and insert the Title Srs  
7:                      collection.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", "alice"),  
8:                              new BasicDBObject("$set" , new BasicDBObject("Title", "Srs")));//update  
9:                      //To insert, it is needed two last parameters  
10:                      collection.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", "frank"),         //to insert  
11:                              new BasicDBObject("$set" , new BasicDBObject("Title", "Sr")), true, false);//update  
12:                      collection.update(new BasicDBObject(),//every document        //to update  
13:                              new BasicDBObject("$set" , new BasicDBObject("Graduation", "Masters")), false, true);//update  
14:                      //collection.remove(new BasicDBObject());  
15:                      collection.remove(new BasicDBObject("_id", "alice"));  

- About blog
View - ftl - freemarker
controller/model java/spark.

- Home Work -
1 - db.grades.find({score:{$gte:65}}).sort( { score : 1 } ).limit(1)
2 - 124
3 - fhj837hf9376hgf93hf832jf9
- Week 3
- MongoDB Schema Design
Application-Driven Schema
. Features
Rich Documents
Pre join data for fast access
No Joing
No Constraina like MySql
Atomic operations(no transactions)
No Declared Schema

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