- Build Automate, test, publishing, deployiment and so on.
- Combines the flexibility of ANT with dependency management and conventions of Maven.
- Uses Groovy DSL and uses a declarative way to describe the builds.
Declarative builds and build-by-convention
Gradle uses DSL(Domain Specific Language) based on Groovy.
Language for dependency based programming
The tasks are based in a hierarchy, favoring the builds
Structure your build
Easy to compose buid from reusable pieces
Deep API
Allow to monitor and customize the configuration and behavior execution
Reusability allows one project uses parts of other projects increasing the produtivity
Multi-project builds
You can rebuild a project or its sub-project, that depends on another sub-project.
Different ways to manage dependencies
Maven has just one way. Can integrate with maven and ivy, or just use jars or directories.
Insteady of XML.
Simple examples
- Project
Each project has many tasks
- To create a simple project, create a file build.gradle
1: task hello {
2: doLast {
3: println 'Hello world!'
4: }
5: }
6: OR
7: task hello << {
8: println 'Hello world!'
9: }
RUN: gradle -q helloIt is possible to add behavior to an existing task
1: task hello << {
2: println 'Hello Earth'
3: }
4: hello.doFirst {
5: println 'Hello Venus'
6: }
Task Dependencies
One task can depend on another using:
1: task taskX(dependsOn: 'taskY') << {
Dynamic Tasks
Tasks can be dynamic. In this case, 4 tasks are created (task0 to task3). There is a dependency.
1: 4.times { counter ->
2: task "task$counter" << {
3: println "I'm task number $counter"
4: }
5: }
6: task0.dependsOn task2, task3
Default Tasks1: defaultTasks 'task1', 'task2'
- PluginsPlugin is an extension to Grails which configures a project in some way, typically adding pre-configured tasks.
Gradle with Java plugin
apply plugin: 'java'
To create a project, it is good to have the same structure that MAVEN project
- src
- java
- test
- java
- resources
- resources
Main Commands
gradle -->
build -> compile, test, build jar
clean -> delete the build directory
assemble -> Compile and build the jar. Does not run the tests
check -> compile and test
External dependencies
1: repositories {
2: mavenCentral()
3: }
Dependencies1: dependencies {
2: compile -> dependency in compile-time
3: testCompile -> dependency in compile-time for test
4: runtime -> dependency in runtime
5: }
Multi-project Java build create a file called: settings.gradle in the same directory of build.gradle.
1: include "shared", "api", "services:webservice", "services:shared"
2: rootProject.children.each { prj -> //para cada filho
3: prj.projectDir = new File("$rootDir/subprojects/$")
4: }
5: = 'groovy' // set the name of rootProject.
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